In the three day meeting held in Çeşme Sheraton Hotel, including the evaluation for years 2011-2012, the dealers spent the last days of the summer season in an efficient manner.
They spent time in the calm and attractive environment of Çeşme like enjoying the summer season...
On the first day of the program Prof. Dr. Üstün Dökmen gave a 2 hours and 30 minutes seminar on Personal Development. Evoking the admiration of the audience during the seminar Mr. Dökmen made them to have enjoyable and exciting time with the questions he asked, little games he played and hands-on demonstrations.
Making a presentation by combining the organization with the motto of “YOU ARE OUR POWER”, Profile Mrkt. Mng. Erdal Karakaş informed the dealers about Turkey’s current economical status, housing demand of the following 15 years, opportunities in line with these demands, export evaluations, warnings and items indicating that how clear is the future of the sector by supporting them with numerical data.
On the second day of the seminar, Ahmet Durul who has worked as marketing manager in the business world for numerous years staged a performance which emphasizes business, hints to make life easier and marketing only consists of communication with his presentation named “Ah!İşe Bak!”.
Carrying out an organization far different from the previous years, at Fırat, awards were presented to the dealers who are at top standing in terms of turnover, distribution and customer satisfaction by Profile Marketing Manager M. Erdal Karakaş. Starting his words stating that “he is proud”, Mr. Karakaş expressed his gratitude to all of the guests for their participation.
Among provinces which were at the highest standing for sales turnover throughout Turkey, İstanbul became the first with nine dealers and second standing was shared between Ankara and İzmir with two dealers per each.
One dealer per Adana, Bursa, Afyon, Mersin, Eskişehir, Kayseri and Malatya were able to get to the standing. Distributors from Maraş, Adana and İstanbul were at the top in distributorship branch; the first two standings in terms of customer satisfaction were held by dealers from İstanbul.
The program continued with the songs of Classical Turkish Music Artist Esra Özmen who took the stage after seminar and plaquet ceremony.
Guests departed for the airport after the lunch consisting of sea products, held on Sunday in Çeşme Dalyan.