FIRAT, which obtained TS EN ISO 14001:2004 “Environment Managing System” certificate from SGS in 2003, thus had its sensitivity towards environmental health certified on the national and international platform.

FIRAT not only keeps the environmental consciousness it has put into practice within its own constitution but also transforms this consciousness into an environmental policy and shares it with its neighbors, suppliers and customers. Especially during the seminars it holds for its end-users at home and abroad, it shares primarily with its business partners the efforts it makes towards environmental problems and importance that should be given to the environmental health.

95% of the products of FIRAT consist of re-cycled (re-processable) materials. It sends its non-reprocessable and non-household products which are called wastes to the “Disposal Facilities” licensed by the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Environment and Forests and perform the recycling process in these facilities.

The Environmental Management Programs and Projects for the Protection of Environmental Health drawn up by the Environmental Group formed by our environmental engineers are being realized within the constitution of FIRAT.

FIRAT which is committed to comply with all the national and international Environmental Legislative Directives and Environmental Regulations fulfills all its legal liabilities and submits statutory assessment reports to the relevant Ministry.

FIRAT, which is awarded by ISO (Istanbul Chamber of Industry) with the “Environment Incentive Reward” with its environmental Project drawn up in 2006, always gives priority to the importance of environmental health and shows the necessary sensitivity in all the investments it realizes.

Fırat has established an Environmental Management System, which includes all of its activities and meets the requirements of ISO 14001 standard and has been operating it. It manages within this system the matters which are considered as having high environmental risk as a result of the evaluation of environmental elements.


  • Improve our environmental performance continuously by minimizing our wastes and increasing our efficiency,
  • Comply with the national and local regulations regarding our activities and the directives of the European Union in regard to our products,
  • Prevent pollution by eliminating it at its source,
  • Evaluate environmental impacts as selection criteria during planning new investments,
  • Increase the environmental awareness of our employees, customers, suppliers and dealers by informing them about our Environmental Management System.

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